Wendy Davis Makes a Visit to Power Chica Camp

On July 27th, Wendy Davis Will Lead a Workshop Where She Will Share Her Story and Lead Girls Through Civic Engagement Training in Austin.

Wendy Davis is scheduled to visit Austin summer camp attendees this year. The former Texas Senator will focus on topics such as public speaking, discussion on social issues, and the importance of voting. Latinitas attendees will engage in a dialogue about social issues they want to see change or evolveย and strategize an action plan to formulate a solution.

Power Chica Camp is about girls exploring community issues and personal leadership style with digital media and technology. The girls will work collaboratively on a digital media piece and present it to Davis at the end of the workshop session.

Latinitas Austin Headquarters | 1023 Springdale Road, Bldg. 9 | July 27, 2018 | 9:30 am – 11:00 am

Latinitas Summer Camps

Girls ages 9-14 with a desire to innovate and express themselves in fun, creative ways through media and technology are invited to join Latinitas in Austin, TX and El Paso, TX to learn about filmmaking, types of technology, cultural arts, health and wellness and more – all while making friends and meeting interesting, inspiring mentors from a variety of backgrounds.